Connectography in Spanish // Conectografía: Mapear el futuro de la civilización mundial
Connectography is now available in Spanish, published by Planeta de Libros. Click below to read the press release and purchase theConnectography in Spanish // Conectografía: Mapear el futuro de la civilización mundial
Connectography is now available in Spanish, published by Planeta de Libros. Click below to read the press release and purchase theTalking Technocracy on Dubai Eye Radio
On Dubai Eye Radio's Business Breakfast program, Parag Khanna discusses how America can learn lessons on fixing its government fromFix What is Broken: Bringing Technocracy to America
On November 8 last year, Donald Trump upended the American political system with his surprising electoral victory over Hillary Clinton.TPP, The Wall, and Global Connectography
On Russia Today, Sean Stone interviews Parag Khanna about the proposed US-Mexico border wall, the future of trade, and the