For Asia to lead the world, Asia has to simply lead itself
Dr. Parag Khanna joins Lyazzat Shatayeva for a special episode of "Impactful" to discuss the effects of the COVID-19 pandemicFor Asia to lead the world, Asia has to simply lead itself
Dr. Parag Khanna joins Lyazzat Shatayeva for a special episode of "Impactful" to discuss the effects of the COVID-19 pandemicIl Covid-19 e la globalizzazione
Dr. Parag Khanna speaks to Radiotelevisione svizzerahe (RSI) about the emerging G-3 world order of North America, Europe, and AsiaWeltTrends im Gespräch: Parag Khanna und Herfried Münkler über Weltpolitik
COVID-19 wird den Umbau der kommenden Weltordnung vielleicht entscheidend prägen. Die geopolitischen Fragen nach der neuen Weltordnung, nach den InteressenCOVID-19: Challenges and opportunities for multilateral diplomacy
Dr. Parag Khanna was invited by Singapore's Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Vienna to present on the impact