Social challenges for the next decade
The Moscow Social Innovation Forum invited Dr. Parag Khanna to participate in its main plenary session alongside Russian ministers andSocial challenges for the next decade
The Moscow Social Innovation Forum invited Dr. Parag Khanna to participate in its main plenary session alongside Russian ministers andWhy Global Youth Migration will Re-Map the World by 2050
In an exclusive interview with LS:N Global, Dr. Parag Khanna discusses the mega-trends driving youth migration and how they willMove: The Economy of the Future
Parag Khanna (FutureMap), DLD Circular at BMW Welt on September 7, 2021 Free press image © Florian Hagena for DLDLa población mundial se está extinguiendo y los niños serán el “petróleo del futuro”
Para el geógrafo y politólogo Parag Khanna, autor del libro "Move: How Mass Migration Will Reshape the World," la humanidad