Author: parag

Ich bin für Tyrannenmord

von Arno Widmann Berlin - "Guten Tag", sagt Parag Khanna. Akzentfrei. "Wir machen das Interview auf Deutsch. Warum sollen Sie

“Open democratic societies don’t block Google”

Interview by Anne VanderMey Foreign policy wunderkind Parag Khanna says revolutions in the Middle East could mean good things for

The Obama Administration and Next Steps in the Middle East

President Obama will address the nation about Operation Odyssey Dawn and the U.S.'s involvement in military action there Monday evening.

Dopo le colonie, il Rinascimento

By Maurizio Molinari La tesi del politologo Usa Parag Khanna: sono saltati i confini disegnati nell'800, ora tutto cambierà. Le