On the MOVE with Parag Khanna: Where Do We Go From Here?
Migration and climate change are inextricably linked. What can we learn from history to map out a possible future? AnthonyOn the MOVE with Parag Khanna: Where Do We Go From Here?
Migration and climate change are inextricably linked. What can we learn from history to map out a possible future? AnthonyThe evangelist for climate migration
Parag Khanna thinks things will be OK. He has faith in humanity's ability to adapt to climate-juiced natural disasters, asBusting Myths About Deglobalization and What It Means For Travel
Parag sits down with Skift founder and CEO Rafat Ali to discuss the post-Covid world, especially the twin dynamics ofPERE Keynote: Adapting Global Real Estate to Climate Change
At the flagship PERE summit in Singapore, Dr. Parag Khanna gave a keynote speech on the impending impact of climate