Salesforce lunchtime keynote speech on The Future is Asian
The Future is Asian presentation at Harvard University
Talks @ GS: The Next Wave of Asian Growth
University of Toronto Lecture on The Future is Asian
How the 21st Century World is Being Asianized
The Rise of Asia and Reaction of the West
Presenting THE FUTURE IS ASIAN at Goldman Sachs
Book Launch with Gen. David Petraeus at the Metropolitan Club
TED x Gateway 2018: Why Asia is the center of the world (again)
Facebook Live at the WEF in Davos with Kevin Sneader of McKinsey
DLD 2019: The Asian Century?!
Celebrating the launch of The Future is Asian at the 1880 Club in Singapore
Launching THE FUTURE IS ASIAN at the Lee Kuan Yew School in Singapore
The Future is Asian at Kinokuniya Singapore
Asia Decoupling: Trade Wars, Belt & Road, and the Future of Eurasia
Singapore Welcomes the Bloomberg New Economy Forum