“Talking to the Khannas” — Janera Global Nomad Salon
Interview with Robert Wright on “How to Run the World”
The Obama Administration and Next Steps in the Middle East
Mideast Unrest’s Impact on the U.S. — CBS Morning Show
Parag Khanna on PBS “Need to Know”
Al Jazeera: U.S. Policy Towards Egypt
CEO as Statesman: Parag Khanna’s New Plan for “How to Run the World”
BBC “The Hub”: Critique of Af-Pak Strategic Review
Parag Khanna “Hotmix”
How Resource Scarcity Will Lead to a New Global Order
“The Hour” with George Stroumboulopoulos
CBS Morning News: Global Hotspots 2009
Second World featured in Wall Street Journal’s “Portfolio of Ideas”
Interview with Charlie Rose
Carnegie Council Lecture on The Second World
Parag Khanna hosts InnerView on MTV World