India Should Embrace Technology
Singapore a ‘living lab’ to power couple
Sombras do mundo que se vai
Parag and Ayesha Khanna foresee a hybrid future, and it’s great
The upside and downside of transparency: Q&A with TEDGlobal guest host Parag Khanna
The Cities-State
Interview with Chatham House “The World Today”
UNICEF Q&A on “The State of the World’s Children 2012 – Children in an Urban World”
Australia is the envy of the world
Take Three. 40 Questions on World Politics
Global Governance and Megadiplomacy
“India is Seven Times less Relevant than China in the World Economy’
“L’Antico Pignolo in Venezia”: è Parag Khanna, consigliere di Barak Obama, il vincitore del Premio 2011 con “Come si governa il Mondo”
Colliding Forces
Vorwaerts ins Mittelalter
Feature Interview with Johnson Controls “WorkPlace Now”