January 2022 – Present


Founder and CEO

January 2019 – Present


Founder and Managing Partner

July 2015 – December 2018


Global Contributor

July 2015 – December 2018

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore

Senior Research Fellow, Centre on Asia and Globalisation

January 2013 – June 2015

Singapore Institute of International Affairs

Senior Fellow

January 2012 – December 2013


Visiting Fellow

July 2011 – July 2013

European Council on Foreign Relations

U.K.Non-Resident Senior Fellow

February 2006 – July 2015

New America Foundation

Senior Research Fellow

May – August 2007

United States Department of Defense

Senior Geopolitical Advisor, Special Operations Forces

Deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan

GS-14 level

Clearance: Top Secret

September 2002 – January 2006

Brookings Institution

Global Governance Fellow

November 2000 – January 2006

World Economic Forum, Geneva, Switzerland

Project Manager, Center for the Global Agenda

August 1999 – October 2000

Council on Foreign Relations, New York, NY

Research Associate, Studies Department

January – May 1999

Intellibridge, Inc., Washington, D.C.


May – August 1995/96/98

The United Nations

Consultant, Division for Social Policy Development

Member, UK Soft Power Council (2025-)

Board Member, Out of Eden Walk (2020-)

Member, Royal Geographical Society (2011-)

Councillor, American Geographical Society (2015-)

Editorial Board, Hague Journal of Diplomacy (2014-2019)

Editorial Board, Global Policy (2012-2019) 

Board of Trustees, New Cities Foundation (2011-18)

Advisory Board, Mountain2Mountain (2010-15)

Board member, International Bridges to Justice (IBJ) (2014-15)

Richard von Weizsaecker Fellow, Bosch Stiftung (2017) 

Board of Directors / Advisory Board, Independent Diplomat (2009-2015)

Senior Fellow, Singapore Institute of International Affairs (2013-2015)

Adjunct Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (2013-2015)

Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum (2009-2014)

Expert Community Member, Wikistrat (2011-2014)

Term Member, Council on Foreign Relations (2008-2013)

Counselor, Young Professionals in Foreign Policy (2008-12)

Distinguished Visitor, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto (2011)

Executive Committee, Young Lions, New York Public Library (2008-11)

Foreign policy advisor to Reshma Saujani for Congress campaign (2010)

Member, Leaders-20 Working Group on Global Governance (2008-10)

Senior Advisory Council, Business for Diplomatic Action (2008-10) 

Host, InnerView, MTV (2009) 

Distinguished Visitor and David Rubenstein Visiting Fellow, American Academy in Berlin (November 2008, November 2009)

Board Member, New Ideas Fund/National Security Network (2008-9)

Advisor, The Executive Office of the Prime Minister, Government of Dubai (2008)

Member, Barack Obama for President Campaign foreign policy advisory group (2007-8)

Member, Council for Emerging National Security Affairs (CENSA) (2004-8) 

Member, Explorers Club (2007-8) 

Member, Asia Society Circle (2008-9) 

Next Generation Fellow, American Assembly (2007-8)

Visiting Fellow, Lee Kwan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore (June 2006)

Non-Resident Associate, Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Georgetown University (2004-5)

Visiting Fellow, Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi, India (August 2004)

Member, Low-Level Panel for United Nations Reform (2004-5)

Seeds of Peace Young Leadership Council (2004-6)

Member, American Council on Germany (ACG) (2002-3) 

Senior Advisor, Gulf Capital (2021 – 2023)

Advisory Board Member, GeoQuant (2017-2021)

Senior Advisor, Globality (2016-2017)

East India Capital Management (2015-2018)

Graticule Asset Management Asia (GAMA) (2015-2023)

Advisor, Teleport (2015-16) 

Innovation Advisory Board, DBS Bank (2013)

Board Member, Micro-Equity Development Fund (2009-2011)

Advisory Board, Ergo Advisors (2008-2011)

Ford Foundation (2007-2009)

Smith Richardson Foundation (2006-7) (SRF Grant #2006-5671)

United Nations Foundation (2004-5) 

2007 – 2010

Department of Government, London School of Economics

PhD; November 2010

Supervisor: Dr. David Held

2003 – 2005

Department of Government/Center for Peace and Security Studies, Georgetown University

Master of Arts in Security Studies

Graduate coursework in international relations theory and qualitative methods

International Security sub-field comprehensive exams completed

1995 – 1999

Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service, Washington, D.C.

Bachelor of Science, Foreign Service and International Affairs (BSFS)

Major: Diplomacy & International Security (GPA Major: 3.7); Minor: Philosophy

Graduate coursework in security studies, international relations theory

Activities: Georgetown Journal of International Affairs (founding Editorial Board member); SFS Academic Council; International Relations Club (UN Security Council simulations at national conferences); Lecture Fund

1997 – 1998

Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Otto-Suhr Institut, Institute for Transatlantic Security and Policy Studies

Graduate coursework in international relations and philosophy

Tutored English to military officers, businessmen, and students

1991 – 1995

Horace Greeley High School, Chappaqua, NY

Graduated summa cum laude; GPA: 3.9

Captain, Men’s Varsity Tennis team

Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts (Summer 1993)

1994 – 1995

Altes Gymnasium Flensburg, Flensburg, Germany 

Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program Fellowship

13th grade courses: Majors in History, Literature; Abitur exam

Esquire’s 75 Most Influential People of the 21st Century (2008)

WIRED magazine “Smart List” (2008)

Pravasi Bharatiya Divas “Next Generation” Award (January 2004, New Delhi)

OECD Leader for Tomorrow Prize (Awarded at 2002 OECD Forum, Paris)

Dean’s Citation of the School of Foreign Service (May 1999)

Native/Fluent: English, Hindi, German

Proficient: Spanish, French

Basic: Arabic

MOVE: Where People are Going for a Better Future (Simon & Schuster, 2021) 

The Future is Asian: Commerce, Conflict, and Culture in the 21st Century (Simon & Schuster, 2019)

Technocracy in America: Rise of the Info-State (Amazon, 2017)

Connectography: Mapping the Future of Global Civilization (Random House, 2016)

Hybrid Reality: Thriving in the Emerging Human-Technology Civilization (TED Books, 2012)

How to Run the World: Charting a Course to the Next Renaissance (Random House, 2011)

The Second World: Empires and Influence in the New Global Order (Random House, 2008)

“Eine glaubhafte Führungsrolle. Von Aufwand und Ertrag der Demokratie.” in: Frank-Walter Steinmeier (ed) Zur Zukunft der Demokratie (Siedler, 2022)

“Globalization’s Future is Asian,” in: Henry Huiyao Wang and Alistair Michie (eds), Consensus or Conflict? China and Globalization in the 21st Century (Springer, 2021)

Still the Man of the Future,” in: John Schroeter, ed. After Shock, Abundant World, 2020. 

“Der Aufstieg asiatischer Laender zu fuehrenden Wirtschaftsnationen,” in: Weiter: Denken. Ordnen. Gestalten. Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft (2019)

Kann China ein gigantisches Deutschland werden?” in: China und Deutschland 5.0 (DeGruyer, 2019)

Global Mobility Today,” in: Global Mobility Report, Henley & Partners (2019)

“Dubai,” in: Daniel Bell and Avner de-Shalit, eds. The Spirit of Cities (Vol. 2) (2015)

The 50 Year Future for Singapore in Asia and the World,” (with Nicholas Fang) Singapore Institute of International Affairs (June 2015)

“Generative Cities as Progressive and Innovative Ecosystems,” in: Daniel Araya (ed.) Smart Cities as Democratic Ecologies (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015)

The Future of Global Education,” in: Daniel Araya and Peter Marber (eds.) Higher Education in the Global Age (Routledge, 2014)

“Is (Political) Geography Destiny? The Case for New Human Geography,” in: Darryl G. Mudrock, Robert R. Tomes and Christopher K. Tucker (eds.) Human Geography: Socio-Cultural Dynamics and Challenges to Global Security (Washington: U.S. Geospatial Intelligence Foundation, 2014)

Geotechnology and Global Change,” Global Policy, February 2014 (Vol. 5, Issue 1) (Guest editor)

How Multi-Stakeholder is Global Policy?Global Policy, September 2012 (Vol. 3, Issue 3)

“Democracy versus Efficiency: The Challenge of the 21st Century,” in: Vladislav Inozemtsev and Piotr Dutkiewicz, Democracy versus Modernization (London: Routledge, 2012)

Integrating, Not Integrated: A Scorecard of GCC Economic Integration,” (with Richard Shediac, Hatem Samman, and Taufiq Rahim) Booz & Co. Ideation Center Insight Paper, Summer 2011

“A New Geopolitics for a New Middle East,” in: Heiko Wimmen, ed. Rising Powers and the Middle East (Berlin: Heinrich Boell Foundation, 2010)

“Der neue geopolitische Marktplatz: Strategische Allianzen fuer das 21. Jahrhundert,” in: Michael Thoss and Christina Weiss (eds.) Das Ende der Gewissheiten: Reden ueber Europa (Munich: Diedrichs, 2009)

“Bollystan: India’s Diasporic Diplomacy,” in: India as a New Global Leader, Foreign Policy Centre, 2005

“America’s Interests at the United Nations,” (with Thomas Weston) Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, April 2005

The Periodic Table of States,Foreign Policy, March 13, 2025

Mapping The Future: Where To Invest For True Resilience,” FII, June 28, 2024

The Coming Entropy Of Our World Order,” Noema, May 7, 2024

Red Sea Crisis Proves China Was Ahead of the Curve, Foreign Policy, January 20, 2024

Climate driven migration is becoming inevitable as focus shifts to nations’ geographic fate,” Fortune, December 1, 2023

No Water, No Workers, No Chips,” (with Michael Ferrari) Foreign Policy, August 4, 2023

Henry Kissinger’s Lessons for the World Today,TIME, May 26, 2023

There’s a Global War for Young Talent. The Winners Will Shape the Future,TIME, October 24, 2022

What Comes After the Coming Climate Anarchy?TIME, August 15, 2022

Ist eine Weltordnung möglich?Die ZEIT, August 15, 2022

It’s Time to Invest in Climate Adaptation,” (w/ Ravi Chidambaram) Harvard Business Review, August 1, 2022

Settlement in Ukraine is Not Appeasement,” The National Interest, April 7, 2022

The Brain Drain That’s Killing the American Economy,TIME, January 21, 2022

Invade Russia, Iran, and North Korea – with Connectivity,” Noema, January 20, 2022

Great Protocol Politics,” (w/ Balaji Srinivasan) Foreign Policy, December 11, 2021

Climate Change is Inevitable. Here’s How We Must Adapt.TIME, November 19, 2021

America’s Next Great Migrations are Driven by Climate Change,” (with Susan Hassol) Scientific American, October 14, 2021 

A new global war for talent has begun. This is how employers can win.LinkedIn, October 9, 2021

Who Will Win the Global War for Talent?Foreign Policy, 9 October 2021

Afghanistan is only the latest in a long line of mass migrations to come,” The Times, October 8, 2021

Migration will soon be the biggest climate challenge of our time,” Financial Times, October 3, 2021

In the face of unprecedented challenges, humanity is on the move,National Geographic, September 29, 2021

The Pandemic Proves Only Technocrats Can Save Us,” Foreign Policy, June 24, 2021

The New ‘End of History’,” The National Interest, March 6, 2021

Islands of Immunity,” (with Spencer Wells) Foreign Policy, February 17, 2021

America’s ‘deep state’ is not nearly deep enough,” Fast Company, February 10, 2021

The next wave of globalization: Asia in the cockpit,” Nikkei Asia, January 13, 2021

What’s Good for the World is Good for China — and America,” Noema, December 23, 2020

“Pillar or pawn,” Rest of World, December 11, 2020

Has China Peaked Already?Noema, October 13, 2020

Here’s What Must Change to Keep Asia’s Rise Peaceful,” The National Interest, August 16, 2020

All Roads Need Not Lead to Beijing,Noema, July 13, 2020 

Asia Is Where American Superpower Began. Is It Also Where It Ends?World Post, June 3, 2019

Viewing Asian flashpoints and disputes through a new lens,The Straits Times, May 31, 2019

The Rising Risks and Opportunities Confronting Global Agriculture,” (with Michael Ferrari) Knowledge @ Wharton, May 23, 2019

From ‘War on Terror’ to ‘New Cold War’: Words in search of a strategy,The Hill, May 14, 2019

Can the East Save the West?Project Syndicate, May 10, 2019

Washington Is Dismissing China’s Belt and Road. That’s a Huge Strategic Mistake.Politico, April 30, 2019

The US could have a huge say in China’s future,CNN, April 26, 2019

Italy’s joining China’s Belt and Road Initiative highlights differences between Europe and the US on Asia policy,” (with Kishore Mahbubani), South China Morning Post, April 1, 2019

Boeing Got Caught in the US-China Trade War. Who’s Next? Barron’s, March 14, 2019

Don’t let poll rancour way lay India’s rising global clout,Times of India, February 11, 2019

Corporate America has a China problem, and the solution is Asia,LinkedIn, February 8, 2019

America First, meet Asia First,Quartz, February 6, 2019

China Couldn’t Dominate Asia if It Wanted to,Foreign Policy, February 3, 2019

The rise of the American-Asian ‘Re-pat’,” Ozy, February 1, 2019

Asia’s History Lessons for the World’s Future,The Straits Times, January 6, 2019

Avoiding World War III in Asia,The National Interest, June 17, 2018

Thucydides Trap or Tug-of-War?The National Interest, August 17, 2018

US Cities: By the People and By the Numbers,MasterCard, April 2017

Connected Cities, Productive Cities,MasterCard, March 2017  

America Needs a Corporate Foreign Policy,Politico, January 25, 2017

Watson Should Have Run for President,Quartz, January 23, 2017

The World Demands A New Map,” Emerging Markets Business, January 23, 2017

Want to understand how Trump happened, study quantum physics,Quartz, November 11, 2016

Anyone who wants to be president needs to understand these 5 maps,Business Insider, April 21, 2016

The New World Order is Ruled by Global Corporations and Megacities, not Countries,Co-Exist/Fast Company, April 20, 2016 

From War to Tug-of-War: The Global Fight for Connectivity,” The National Interest, April 19, 2016

A New Map for America,” The New York Times, April 15, 2016

The U.S. Should Follow China and Spain’s Lead and Build More ‘Connectivity’ Infrastructure,” Forbes, April 11, 2016

Use it or Lose It: China’s Grand Strategy,” Stratfor, April 9, 2016

Rise of the Titans,Foreign Policy, March/April 2016

The New Arms Race: Connectivity and Competition,” Foreign Affairs, February 15, 2016

A World Reimagined,” The American Interest, June 16, 2014

Getting Leapfrogging Right: Adapting Tech Trends to Developing Nations,” (with Sara Agarwal) The Next Web, May 31, 2014

The Independent Republic of the Supply Chain,” (with Ahmed el Hady) Quartz, March 19, 2013

The Generative City,” (with Ayesha Khanna) Urban Solutions, February 2, 2013

The Power of Moore’s Law in a World of Geotechnology,” (with Marc Goodman) The National Interest, January 2, 2013

The Rise of Hybrid Governance,” Redesigning Government for New Times, McKinsey Center for Government,” October 1, 2012

The new Silk Road is made of Iron – and Stretches from Scotland to Singapore,” Quartz, September 30, 2012

Surge of the ‘Second World’,” The National Interest, April 25, 2012

Technology Will Take on a Life of Its Own,” (with Ayesha Khanna) Foreign Policy, August 15, 2011

Japan: Hybrid Civilization of the Future,” (with Ayesha Khanna) Newsweek Japan, May 14, 2011

The Neo-Renaissance Man,TIME, January 31, 2011

When Cities Rule the World,” What Matters (McKinsey), February 1, 2011

Beyond City Limits,” Foreign Policy, August 6, 2010

Learning Asia the Asian Way,” Asia Policy, January 2010

Europa 2030: A Postmodern Middle Ages,” Internationale Politik, Summer 2009

The New Colonialists,” (with Michael Cohen and Maria Figueroa-Küpçü) Utne Reader, October 10, 2008

Inter-Imperial Relations,” Internationale Politik, Fall 2008

Here Comes the Second World,” Academia, April 30, 2008

Waving Goodbye to Hegemony,” The New York Times Magazine, January 27, 2008

The Regime Change We Need,” (with Lawrence Goo) The National Interest, November 10, 2006

Springtime for Kurdistan,” TruthDig, August 30, 2006

Getting India Right,” (with C. Raja Mohan) Policy Review, February 1, 2006

The Sons of the Fathers,” Foreign Policy, October 15, 2009

United They Fall: Why only Bill Clinton can save the U.N.Harper’s, January 7, 2006

Plane to Pakistan,” Prospect, September 24, 2005

Weapons of Mass Seduction,” Foreign Policy, October 22, 2009

Bollystan,” Another Generation, March 15, 2005

The Metrosexual Superpower,” Foreign Policy, August 7, 2004

The Counsel of Geopolitics: How to Avoid the Fate of Empires,” Current History, November 7, 2003

The Axis of Democracy (Revisited),” In the National Interest, September 10, 2003

Risky Business: Geopolitics and the Global Corporation,” (with Sven Behrendt) Strategy + Business, Fall 2003

America in the Age of Geodiplomacy,” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Winter/Spring 2003

The Axis of Democracy,” In The National Interest, December 25, 2002

“America in the Age of Geodiplomacy,” OECD Highlights, Summer 2002

“Is Kenneth Waltz Still M.A.D. About Nukes?” (with Jeremy Goldberg) Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Spring 2000

“Preventing Conflict and Promoting Peace Through Partnership,” (with Jan-Philipp Goertz) Strategies for a Global Generation, September 2000

Is America ‘fated to lead’?Financial Times, January 26, 2017

‘Who Owns the Future?’ by Jaron LanierSan Francisco Chronicle, May 12, 2013

“Slumdogs, Millionaires,” The National, February 6, 2009 (Alex Perry, Falling off the Edge)

The Rise of Non-Americanism,” The Washington Post, May 18, 2008 (Fareed Zakaria, The Post-American World)

“Ganz unten,” Kulturaustausch, No. 2, 2008 (Paul Collier, The Bottom Billion)

Terrorism as War,” Policy Review, October/November 2003 (Walter Laqueur, No End to War)

The Softest Power?Survival, Summer 2003 (Jedediah Purdy, Being America)

“Bollywood for the World,” United We Stand: Deepavali 2002, October 6, 2002, Association of Indians in America (AIA) (Bombay Dreams: The Musical, London) 

“Tragic Realism,” New Statesman, February 25, 2002 (Robert Kaplan, Warrior Politics)

Behind every successful man…Esquire, December 2022

Can Western Governments Learn from the New Asian Values?Edelman, December 15, 2022

Borders are holding the world’s eight billion people back,” Financial Times, November 11, 2022

A ‘magic formula’ for the 4G leadership and beyond,” Straits Times, April 19, 2022

Russia Joins the Asian Club,” Foreign Policy, March 29, 2022

Britain needs immigrants if it is to survive the climate storm,” Financial Times, January 9, 2022

Climate migration is here. The U.S. must invest accordingly,” Washington Post, November 17, 2021

Hollywood Needs to Show Us Life Beyond Climate Disaster,” Foreign Policy, November 1, 2021

South China Sea claims: Technocratic way to peace?Straits Times, October 29, 2021

For millennials and Gen-Z, the American Dream may require a move,” NBC THINK, October 14, 2021

Migration will soon be the biggest climate challenge of our time,” Financial Times, October 3, 2021

South China Sea: how Asian nations can find peace and profit together,” South China Morning Post, January 28, 2021

Globalisierung, das sind wir!Liberal, December 2020

Trump’s election lies show U.S. democracy isn’t idiot-proof. The ‘deep state’ must fight back.” NBC Think, December 7, 2020

The hard truth about climate change: The devil’s in the details,” (w/ Michael Ferrari) Fast Company, December 3, 2020

Imagining Asia in 2050,” Straits Times, November 21, 2020

Geoengineering is the only solution to climate calamities,” (w/ Michael Ferrari) WIRED, September 21, 2020

Coronavirus cases are rising again. When will Wall Street wake up?” (w/ Karan Khemka) Fast Company, June 22, 2020

How the coronavirus is forcing the shipping industry to make cybersecurity a priority,” (w/ Mikhail Zeldovich) South China Morning Post, June 18, 2020

China nicht streicheln,” Die Zeit, June 3, 2020

How Coronavirus Could Make People Move,” (w/ Kailash K. Prasad), Politico, May 13, 2020 

Southeast Asia rides fourth wave of regional growth,” Financial Times, May 10, 2020

Universities need a new social compact with society and these should be the priorities,” (w/ Karan Khemka) Times Higher Education, May 9, 2020

Australia’s climate luck is moving north to Canada,” The Globe and Mail, May 2, 2020

From pandemic diplomacy to a new global governance,” The Hill, April 26, 2020 

Post-pandemic: Welcome to the multi-speed world of regional disparities,” Global Geneva, April 26, 2020

The coronavirus butterfly effect: Six predictions for a new world order,” (w/ Karan Khemka) Fast Company, April 14, 2020

Covid-19-Bekaempfung per Handy-App,” (w/ Ayesha Khanna) Neue Zuericher Zeitung, April 7, 2020

Five things that won’t change in the post-coronavirus economy,” Quartz, March 30, 2020

Covid-19 is Traveling Along the New Silk Road,” Wired, February 28, 2020

Echoes of Suez 1956: Will China shove aside America?The Hill, February 26, 2020

Everyone has moved past the US-China trade war — except the US and China,” Quartz, December 16, 2019

Asia Is Where American Superpower Began. Is It Also Where It Ends?” NOEMA, June 3, 2019

Viewing Asia’s flashpoints and disputes through a different lens,” Straits Times, May 31, 2019

The Rising Risks — and Opportunities — Confronting Global Agriculture,” (with Michael Ferrari) Knowledge @ Wharton, May 23, 2019

From ‘War on Terror’ to ‘New Cold War’: Words in Search of a Strategy,” The Hill, May 14, 2019

Can the East save the West?Project Syndicate, May 10, 2019

Washington Is Dismissing China’s Belt and Road. That’s a Huge Strategic Mistake.Politico, April 30, 2019

The US could have a huge say in China’s future,” CNN, April 26, 2019 

Italy joining China’s Belt and Road Initiative highlights different approaches of Europe and the US on Asia policy,” South China Morning Post, April 1, 2019

Boeing got caught in the US-China trade war. Who’s next?Barron’s, March 14, 2019

Don’t let poll rancor way India’s rising global clout,” Times of India, February 11, 2019 

Why do we still use the term Middle East when West Asia is more relevant to Arab nations?” The National, February 7, 2019

Australia’s Asianizing Society,” Australian Financial Review, February 6, 2019

Why Americans are flocking to Asia,” CNN, February 6, 2019

We Are All Asians Now,” Thrive Global, January 23, 2019

“Crazy and rich…but also generous,” Ozy, September 7, 2018

The Chinese art of substitution,” Axios, November 8, 2018

These 10 Asian cities are the most prepared for the future,” (with Robert Muggah) World Economic Forum, September 5, 2018 

The World Economy’s Urban Future,” Project Syndicate, August 10, 2018

South China Sea disputes must be resolved through arbitration that seeks mutual benefit,” South China Morning Post, 23 July 2018 

What the 4G leaders can focus on,” The Straits Times, July 7, 2018

The real winners from the Trump-Kim summit will be North Korea’s neighbors,” Quartz, June 14, 2018

Put the ‘human’ back in human capital,” (with Ravi Chidambaram) Straits Times, May 15, 2018

Facebook can still save American democracy from itself,” Fast Company, April 30, 2018

There’s a new Secretary of State. Who Cares?Politico, March 13, 2018

Trump can’t stop the world from turning away from American leadership,” Quartz, January 31, 2018

Get Over Yourself, America,” Politico, January 19, 2018 

Digital demokratisch,” Die Zeit, November 2, 2017

Catalans and Kurds are at the Forefront of True Local Democracy,” HuffPost, September 25, 2017

Germany and France thwarted far right populism–why did the US and UK fall to them?Quartz, September 25, 2017

“Die Ohnmacht der Experten,” Handelsblatt, September 4, 2017

Asians are building their own world order,” CNN, August 8, 2017

The solution to US politics’ Facebook problem is Facebook,” Quartz, July 3, 2017 

Asian grouping offers master class on economic integration,” Gulf News, June 2, 2017

Is the world really as volatile as ever?Quartz, June 1, 2017 

Macron and Merkel can make Europe great again,” CNN, May 31, 2017

Global Companies, Local Rules,” Quartz, April 28, 2017 

Connectivity, Not Primacy, is the Way of the World,” Stratfor, March 8, 2017

“Engagement is better than isolation in Sino-US relations under Trump,” Global Times, March 2, 2017 

Why Raising Your Kids Abroad Is the Best Thing You Can Do for Them,” AFAR, March/April 2017

Trade Grows – Without the U.S.Politico, February 23, 2017

Recovering the Promise of Technocracy,” Project Syndicate, February 3, 2017

Forget Trump’s ‘First 100 Days’ – Think About the Next Generation,” Quartz, January 27, 2017  

To beat populism, blend democracy and technocracy, S’pore style,” Straits Times, January 21, 2017

“Five Ways the American Government is Much Worse than Other Countries,” Medium, January 18, 2017

There are better governments than America’s — It’s time to learn from them,” LinkedIn, January 14, 2017

Is Modi’s Technocracy India’s Future?Open, January 12, 2017

Seven presidents are better than one: Why the Oval Office needs a round table,” Quartz, January 10, 2017

Asia Turns to Technocrats for Answers,” South China Morning Post, January 9, 2017

Sick of American Democracy? The U.S. Can Learn a Lot from These Countries,” HuffPost, January 9, 2017

In 2017, Can Data Deliver Us a Better Democracy?52 Insights, January 2, 2017

Five Radical Solutions to Fix Our Busted Government,” TIME, December 2, 2016

Want to Understand How Trump Happened? Study Quantum Physics,” Quartz, November 11, 2016

The Four Most Important Foreign Policy Strategies for the Next President,” TIME, September 21, 2016

After 15 years of war on terror, are we any safer?” (with Robert Muggah) World Economic Forum, September 9, 2016

Why Obama, on His Last Asia Trip, Needs to Save the TPP,” Politico, September 1, 2016

London Should Secede from the United Kingdom,” Foreign Policy, June 28, 2016

Brexit was not the will of the people, but the will of the provinces,” Quartz, June 27, 2016

A Brexit Cancels Out the Real Benefit of Devolution,” RANE, June 8, 2016 

With Connectivity Comes Growth,” Live Mint, May 30, 2016

16 Words and Phrases Describing Humanity’s Future,” Tech Insider, May 24, 2016

These Maps Show How Vast New Infrastructure is Bringing the World Together,” HuffPost, April 18, 2016

“5 Maps That Show Why Cities Rule the World,” Tech Insider, April 18, 2016

Climate Change is Forcing a New Manifest Destiny,” TIME, April 18, 2016

The world through the lens of Chinese supply chains,” Straits Times, April 13, 2016

What Trump Gets Wrong About U.S. Neighbors,” CNN, April 7, 2016

In Davos, World Elites See Signs of Growth and Resilience in Turbulent Markets,” HuffPost, January 19, 2016

Russia on the Cyber Silk Road,”, December 18, 2016

ISIS is everywhere: Is it time for a global passport?CNN, December 11, 2015

Global poverty: This is how to REALLY reduce it,” CNN, October 6, 2015

“From Grand Strategy to Brand Strategy,” BuzzFeed, September 15, 2015

How small states prepare for cyber-war,” CNN, September 2, 2015

Tehran’s ‘Just do it’ generation makes up for lost time,” CNN, July 7, 2015

A sunny island set in the Asian hinterland,” Straits Times, June 29, 2015

Bright ideas to seize the urban moment,” Straits Times, June 11, 2015

Long Live Lee Kuan Yew’s Lion City,” Foreign Policy, March 22, 2015

Dismantling Empires through Devolution,” Atlantic, September 26, 2014

Disciplining the Sharing Economy,” (with Ayesha Khanna) Project Syndicate, September 25, 2014

China’s investment in infrastructure is exactly what made Alibaba’s IPO possible,” (with JT Singh) Quartz, September 25, 2014

Smart nation, sharing city,” (with Ayesha Khanna) Straits Times, September 6, 2014

New BRICS Bank a Building Block of Alternative World Order,” World Post, July 18, 2014

Permeable Lines on the Grand Trunk Road,” The New York Times, July 6, 2014

Getting Leapfrogging Right,” (with Sara Agarwal) Stanford Social Innovation Review, June 27, 2014

Iran nuclear sanctions: Why the world still does business with Tehran,” CNN, June 10, 2014

Time for a post-dynastic democracy,” Mint India, May 16, 2014

Time for the Next Tier of ASEAN Cities to Stand Up,” (with Mohit Mehrotra) Business Times, May 15, 2014

National Service for the 21st Century,” The Straits Times, April 25, 2014

How Strategic is Sri Lanka?CNN, April 9, 2014

Against Growth Market Pessimism,” HuffPost, January 21, 2014 

Saudi Arabia’s Commercial Class Looks to Future,” Al-Monitor, 23 December 2013

The End of the Nation-State?The New York Times, October 14, 2013

Supply Chain Global Governance,” The Economist, September 15, 2013

Middle East Reconfigured: Turkey vs. Iran vs. Saudi Arabia,” (with Soner Cagaptay) CNN, September 13, 2013

ASEAN is key to ‘Asian century’,” CNN, August 15, 2013

Seizing the Singapore Dream,” The Straits Times, August 6, 2013

Where will you live in 2050?” (with Greg Lindsay) Reuters, August 6, 2013

Confessions of a Tiger Dad,” HuffPost, July 31, 2013

Sophisticated Singapore,” The Straits Times, July 3, 2013

BRICS, VISTA, BROOMS,” Quartz, June 23, 2013

Chinese Cities Show up on the Global Radar,” (with JT Singh) China Daily, June 6, 2013

The Human City,” Project Syndicate, May 23, 2013

Nations are no longer driving globalization—cities are,” (with Michele Acuto) Quartz, May 3, 2013

Around the World, Mayors Take Charge,” (with Michele Acuto) Atlantic, April 26, 2013 

Hybrid Humans,” Project Syndicate, April 24, 2013

Can China Become a Melting Pot?CNN, April 16, 2013

“Inter-city relations driving global ties,” Straits Times, April 4, 2013

Cities, Not Countries, Will Once Again be Key to World Order,” The National (UAE), March 25, 2013

Rise of the Info-States,” Global Brief, March 5, 2013

Is Brazil ready to  take sporting center stage?CNN, March 5, 2013

Singapore’s best-kept secrets: Its virtues,” Straits Times, February 23, 2013

Startup Sovereigns,” (with Sawsan Gad) Foreign Policy, February 8, 2013

Investors, beware: It’s a bumpy ride on the new Burma Road,” Quartz, January 31, 2013

From Burma to Myanmar: Land of rising expectations,” CNN, January 3, 2013

Does Norway Hold the Key to Solving South China Sea Dispute?” (with John Gilman) CNN, November 13, 2012 

Why Syria’s Fragmentation is Turkey’s Opportunity,” (with Soner Cagaptay) The Atlantic, October 24, 2012

So long, Information Age. Hello, Hybrid Age,WIRED UK, October 19, 2012

Could it finally be springtime for Nigeria?CNN, October 10, 2012 

Singapore: The Hyphen Connecting the World to Asia,” Straits Times, September 29, 2012

The New World,” (with Frank Jacobs) The New York Times, September 23, 2012

Typhoon Tourism: One Week in North Korea,” CNN, September 10, 2012

Jobs of the Future,” (with Aaron Smith) Foreign Policy, August 13, 2012

“’One Mega-City, Many Systems’: The Evolution of Hong Kong,” (with Thomas Sevcik) Bloomberg, June 21, 2012

It’s the Technology, Stupid,” CNN, June 21, 2012

Way Beyond Facebook: Welcome to the Hybrid Age,” Esquire, June 14, 2012

Welcome to the Hybrid Age,” (with Ayesha Khanna) Slate, June 13, 2012

How Technology Promotes World Peace,” (with Ayesha Khanna) The Atlantic, June 12, 2012

Which Nation Has the Best ‘Technik’?” (with Ayesha Khanna) Harvard Business Review, June 12, 2012

Is Your Job Robot-Proof?” (with Ayesha Khanna) Forbes, June 7, 2012

What is it about Singapore?Straits Times, May 26, 2012

Why Eduardo Saverin Has Company in Singapore,” (with Ayesha Khanna) Bloomberg, May 24, 2012

BRICS may find common ground, but India has to stand up for itself,” Financial Times, March 27, 2012

Could Mayors Rule the World?LSE IDEAS Blog, January 26, 2012

The Persistent Myths of Soft Power,LSE IDEAS Blog, January 14, 2012

Enroll the World in For-Profit Universities,” (with Karan Khemka) Harvard Business Review, January – February 2012

Stop Fretting About Beijing as a Global Policeman,” (with Jonas Parello-Plesner), Financial Times, December 28, 2011

“Needed: An Economic Performance Index for Cities,” (with Thomas Sevcik) Atlantic Cities, November 16, 2011

Look South, Not East,” Foreign Policy, November 11, 2011

“Big ideas from small places,” (with David Skilling) CNN, November 11, 2011

“Global masses demand accountability,” CNN, October 12, 2011

“From ‘War on Terror’ to ‘New Silk Road’,” CNN, October 7, 2011

Mayor of the World: How Bloomberg Flexes New York’s Diplomatic Muscle” (with Mahanth Joishy) Bloomberg, September 21, 2011

Why China Wants a G-3 World,” (with Mark  Leonard) International Herald Tribune, September 7, 2011

America’s Non-Grand Strategy,” The Atlantic , September 5, 2011

Stakeholders of goodwill: neither the “salad bowl” nor the ‘melting pot’,” (with Aaron Maniam) openDemocracy, August 30, 2011

U.S. Foreign Intervention: Changing of the Guard?NPR Marketplace, August 26, 2011

Northern Star,” (with Ayesha Khanna) TIME, June 23, 2011

LeeKuanYew-istan Forever,” Foreign Policy, May 24, 2011

Cut Military Aid Now,” New York Times, May 10, 2011

Long Bus, Short Wait,” (with Ayesha Khanna) TIME, May 2, 2011 

Bin Laden Assassinated, Not Martyred,” CNN, May 2, 2011

The Coming Arab Renaissance,” Foreign Policy, April 20, 2011

“Europe and the World: The External Dimension,” Action Plan for Europe 2020, Lisbon Council, 2011

A New New World Order,” Vision (Dubai), Spring 2011

Egypt, Libya and the Folly of the BRICs,” Harvard Business Review Online, February 22, 2011

Insistent, Not Imperial,” HuffPost, February 14, 2011

“A long, slow march,” The Daily, February 12, 2011

Moment of truth for Egypt’s military,” CNN, February 11, 2011

Getting on the Right Side of History,” Foreign Policy, February 3, 2011

Egypt and the End of Excuses for the U.S.The Daily Beast, February 1, 2011

“Don’t Hate on Davos,” Foreign Policy, January 28, 2011

Le Forum de Davos: un nouvel outil de diplomatie mondiale,” (with Felix Marquardt) Le Figaro, January 28, 2011 

Davos: Congress of the New Middle Ages,” The Wall Street Journal, January 24, 2011

Long Live Wiki-Diplomacy!CNN, January 20, 2011

Breaking Up Is Good to Do,” Foreign Policy, January 13, 2011

Obama’s Foreign Policy is Unreliable,” The Daily Beast, January 11, 2011

CEOs as Statesmen? Author Offers New Plan on ‘How To Run The World’” CNBC, January 6, 2011

America Needs a Diplomatic-Industrial Complex,” HuffPost, January 3, 2011

Future Shock? Welcome to the New Middle Ages,” Financial Times, December 28, 2010

A Cup of Plenty?” (with Karim Makdisi), December 22, 2010

Cyber-teeth bared,” (with Ian Bremmer), The New York Times, December 22, 2010

A Mineral Fund for Afghanistan,” (with Christopher Tucker) Foreign Policy, December 20, 2010

Richard Holbrooke’s Game-Changing Diplomacy,” HuffPost, December 15, 2010

How’s That New World Order Working Out?Foreign Policy, November 28, 2010

It’s Not a Matter of Aid,” The New York Times, August 23, 2010

Central Asia’s New Silk Roads,” The New York Times, August 12, 2010

“From London to Mongolia… In an Ambulance,” The Washington Note, August 3, 2010

“Corporate Citizenship: The Next Decade,” (with Maria Figueroa-Kupcu) IJ Partners Barometer, April 2010

Listen to the Arabs,” The New York Times, March 25, 2010

Remapping the World,” TIME, March 11, 2010

“Fly American, Unless You Know Better: Geopolitical Humor for the Oscars,” Washington Note, March 6, 2010

The Taliban Are Still Here to Stay,” (with Melissa Payson) The Daily Beast, February 15, 2010

“Vorbild Europaeische Union,” The European, October 1, 2009

“The Spin Cycle of Summitry,” The Washington Note, September 21, 2009

The Pakistani Rumor Mill,” Foreign Policy, August 16, 2009

Where the Real Fight Is,” (with Michael Cohen) Foreign Policy, July 16, 2009

Could Iran Crisis Promote Mideast Peace?CNN, June 17, 2009

“Army of One? How about a Swat Team?” Foreign Policy, June 12, 2009

How Pakistan Can Fix Itself,” (with Ayesha Khanna) Foreign Policy, May 6, 2009

Pakistan’s Nuclear Scenarios, U.S. Solutions,” The New York Times, May 5, 2009

The Government of Pakistan Needs to Step Up,” The Daily Beast, April 24, 2009

We Should Get Rid of the Term ‘Muslim World’,” The Washington Post, April 19, 2009

“The World in Recession,” Al Majalla, April 17, 2009

South Asia’s Taliban Problem,” The New York Times, April 14, 2009

What Turkey Can Teach Us,” Slate, April 14, 2009

Meeting Basic Needs Could Fight Islamic Extremism,” Newsweek, March 2, 2009

The Road to Kabul Runs Through Beijing (and Tehran),” Foreign Policy, February 6, 2009

The Taliban Problem Crosses Borders,” New York Times, January 26, 2009

An Agenda for Obama’s CTO,” (with Ayesha Khanna) Bloomberg, January 12, 2009

“Don’t squander worldwide hope for America,” (with Keith Reinhardt) Athens Banner-Herald, January 8, 2009

“Neo-Medieval Times,” GOOD, January-February 2009

Assessing Blame for Mumbai Attacks,” Newsweek, November 26, 2008

World to America: Who cares?Forbes, September 26, 2008

These are the new middle ages, not a new order,” The Guardian, September 11, 2008

Das sanfte Imperium,” Die Zeit, September 11, 2008

The Globalization of Steak,” Esquire, August 26, 2008

Die naechste Welt,” Die Zeit, July 3, 2008

Europe’s Century,” (with Alpo Rusi) The Guardian, June 16, 2008

Stop Looking for ‘Moderate’ Shiites and Address Interests,” World Politics Review, May 30, 2008

On the Road to Disaster in India,” World Politics Review, February 26, 2008

Life After Bush,” The New Statesman, January 7, 2008

Peshawar Politics,” GOOD magazine, July 31, 2007

Coalition Unwilling,” (with Khalil Matar) The New Republic, March 25, 2007 

The New Global Arabism,” The Washington Post, June 9, 2006  

Push for Reform, not Chaos, at the UN,” The Center for American Progress, June 20, 2005

“Putting the ‘Global’ Into ‘Global Governance’,” Outreach, April 21, 2005

“2005: Make or Break Year for MDG Efforts,” (with Richard Samans) International Development

“U.S. Courts Impact Others,” (with Fuad Rana) The Miami Herald, March 31, 2005

“Test of a good neighbour,” Indian Express, March 16, 2004 

“One People, Two Countries,” India Abroad, March 4, 2005

“Flight of the Dove,” India Today (International edition), February 7, 2005

Taking the U.N. Seriously,” (with Thomas Weston) The Washington Times, December 1, 2004

Bollystan – The Global India,” The Globalist, December 3, 2004

“Time for new coalitions,” Indian Express, November 5, 2004

The essence of the Nobel Prize must be restored,” Financial Times, October 3, 2004

“Von der Gemeinschaft zur Weltmacht,”, September 16, 2004

Democracy 101: Lessons from India,” India Abroad, May 28, 2004

U.S. Could Learn From EU’s Old World Charm in Foreign Policy,” The Los Angeles Times, April 30, 2004

Democracy vs Development?Outlook India, April 29, 2004

Political will – and Political Won’t,” The Globalist , April 22, 2004

“The Real ‘New Europe’,”, April 1, 2004

Bats, Balls, and Bombs: Cricket and peace in South Asia,” (with Fuad Rana), March 20, 2004

“India’s Choice: Super-power versus Super-ego,” India Abroad, February 20, 2004

“The United States is missing its best chance to ‘de-Finlandize’ Lebanon,” Daily Star (Beirut), January 27, 2004

“Road Map’s success could return Lebanon to its former glory,” Daily Star (Beirut) December 30, 2003 

“Iraq’s reconstruction can offer Lebanon significant opportunities,” Daily Star (Beirut), December 27, 2003

Second Generation Diplomacy,” (with Jeremy Goldberg) The Washington Times, December 11, 2003

One More Seat at the Table,The New York Times, December 6, 2003

America’s Interdependence Day,” openDemocracy, September 16, 2003

“Imperial Diplomacy,”, August 13, 2003

The Glass Screening,” TENNIS Server, January 2003

“Neither Small Nor Safe: The World After Yesterday,” September 12, 2001

“Amazon.kampf,” Correspondence, Winter 1999/2000

“European Identity: A Non-European Perspective,” The New Federalist, Spring 1995· Daily articles appearing in The Earth Times March 7-13, 1995 (United Nations World Summit for Social Development, Copenhagen, Denmark)

Notes from the Overground,” EGO Magazine, January 1, 2006 (Russia) 

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Revolution,” EGO Magazine, November 16, 2005 (Ukraine)

Turk Stops: From Europe to Asia Across Anatolia,” EGO Magazine, October 29, 2005 (Turkey)

Going Home to Lahore, and a World Left Behind,” The New York Times, April 3, 2005 (Pakistan)

War Tourism Without the War,” Another Generation, June-August 2004 (Lebanon)

Moonlight Traveler,” Another Generation, March-May 2004 (Cambodia)

“Hanoi’s Hippest,” Another Generation, March-May 2004 (Vietnam)

“Davos, anyone?” Another Generation, April/May 2005

“Finally, a name for ourselves!” EGO magazine, March 16, 2005

“Ash Meets Dave,” Another Generation

“Banging on,” Another Generation, January-March 2005 

“The Youngest MP in Indian History,” Another Generation, June-August 2004

“Saira: The Face of Another Generation,” Another Generation, June-August 2004

“Lethal Weapons,” Economist, November 7, 1998

“Compare and Contrast,” Economist, May 27, 1995

“Reawakening,” TIME, February 27, 1995