It’s time to stop talking about the ‘Canadian Dream’ and actually build it
UK Soft Power Council convened by foreign secretary David Lammy
India is overlooking the climate drag on its economic growth
Where to Invest for True Resilience
The Coming Entropy Of Our World Order
The Red Sea Crisis Proves China Was Ahead of the Curve
Climate-driven migration is becoming inevitable as the focus shifts to nations’ geographic fate
Climate Opportunity Awaits
No Water, No Workers, No Chips
Henry Kissinger’s Lessons for the World Today
Geopolitics, Climate Change, and the War for Young Talent
The Post-Pandemic Scramble
Can Western Governments Learn from the New Asian Values?
In front of every successful man…
How to build a better future
Borders are holding the world’s eight billion people back
There’s a Global War for Young Talent. The Winners Will Shape the Future
What Comes After the Coming Climate Anarchy?
Is a World Order Even Possible?
It’s Time to Invest in Climate Adaptation
A ‘magic formula’ for the 4G leadership and beyond
Settlement in Ukraine Is Not Appeasement
Adaptation to the Climate Challenge
Russia Joins the Asian Club
The Brain Drain That is Killing America’s Economy
Invade Russia, Iran and North Korea — With Connectivity
Britain Needs Immigrants if it is to Survive the Climate Storm
The Future is Brown-ish
Competitive Connectivity in the Indo-Pacific
Great Protocol Politics
Citizens of Everywhere: Why Influence Is Young, Mobile, and Portable
Climate Change Is Inevitable. Here’s How We Must Adapt
Yes, the U.S. should ‘build back better’ — where the climate allows
Global Mobility: Why People Migrate
Why Mobility Across Borders Is A Human Right
Hollywood Needs to Show Us Life Beyond Climate Disaster
South China Sea claims: Technocratic way to peace?
All homes of the future should come with wheels
All Eyes on ASEAN
Searching for the American Dream? Go to Canada
America’s Next Great Migrations Are Driven by Climate Change
For millennials and Gen Z, the American dream may require a move
The World Needs a New Protocol for Global Travel
The future of smart living will be a test of how smart we really are
The Migration Patterns of the Privileged: On 21st-Century Climate Gentrification
A new global war for talent has begun. Here’s how employers can win.
Who Will Win the Global War for Talent?
Using the scorching sun to cool us is the wave of the future